Revealed: quarter of all tweets about climate crisis produced by bots

Image source: NOAA


The social media conversation over the climate crisis is being reshaped by an army of automated Twitter bots, with a new analysis finding that a quarter of all tweets about climate on an average day are produced by bots, the Guardian can reveal.

The stunning levels of Twitter bot activity on topics related to global heating and the climate crisis is distorting the online discourse to include far more climate science denialism than it would otherwise…

Read Full Article; Guardian UK (02-21-2020)

Climate change tipping point could be coming sooner than we think; Science Daily (01-23-2019)
A new study confirms the urgency to tackle climate change. While it’s known that extreme weather events can affect the year-to-year variability in carbon uptake, and some researchers have suggested that there may be longer-term effects, this study is the first to actually quantify the effects through the 21st century and demonstrates that wetter-than-normal years do not compensate for losses in carbon uptake during dryer-than-normal years, caused by events such as droughts or heatwaves…

Oil and gas firms ‘have had far worse climate impact than thought’; Guardian UK (02-19-2020)

‘The only uncertainty is how long we’ll last’: a worst case scenario for the climate in 2050; Guardian UK (02-15-2020)

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