Satellites Show Scale Of Suspected Illegal Dredging In South China Sea

An unrelenting fleet of China-based dredging vessels are churning up the South China Sea. They are accused of acting illegally, and of causing ecological damage. Satellite images show the incredible scale of the activity.
Israeli scientists work to save the country’s coastline from rising tides

As the sea level rises and human interference continues, the Israeli coast will experience more intense flooding, disappearing beaches, and intensifying coastal erosion.
New Zealand blue whale distribution patterns tied to ocean conditions, prey availability

The researchers who recently discovered a population of blue whales in New Zealand are learning more about the links between the whales, their prey and ocean conditions that are changing as the planet warms.
Mississippi river delta marshes have hit a tipping point, study finds

New research finds that marshes in the Mississippi River Delta have hit a tipping point and will likely drown this century due to sea level rise.