Mumbai bracing for the ‘first cyclone in years’

The heaving city of 20 million people, which is India’s financial and entertainment capital, has been spared of cyclones in modern history. Mumbai hasn’t “experienced a serious cyclone landfall since 1891”. All that could change on Wednesday when a severe cyclonic storm with wind speeds from 100 to 120 kmph (60 to 75 mph) could hit the city and India’s western coast.
‘Plastic-free’ fashion is not as clean or green as it seems

To promote different fibre use without fully understanding its environmental ramifications suggests a disingenuous engagement with environmental action. It incites “superficial green” purchasing that exploits a culture of plastic anxiety. The message is clear: buy differently, buy “better”, but don’t stop buying. Yet the “better” and “alternative” fashion products are not without complex social and environmental injustices.
Two vital buffers against climate change are just offshore

A new study finds that about 31 million people worldwide live in coastal regions that are “highly vulnerable” to future tropical storms and sea-level rise driven by climate change. In some of those regions, however, powerful defenses are located just offshore.