Sea level rise will see 40pc of Australia’s beaches lost, predicts new study

Beaches are a part of Australian life, and new research says that we’re going to lose about 40 per cent of Australia’s beaches over the next 80 years.
The many lifetimes of plastics

Infographics strive to give us a sense of how long plastic goods will last in the environment. But is this information reliable?
Carpet shell clams reveal high levels of pollution in several coastal lagoons in Tunisia

Transitional waters, those situated between land and the sea, such as lagoons and estuaries, are more exposed to human activity and these waters are slowly refreshed, meaning that their ecosystems are more vulnerable to pollution. Also, there is evidence for the relationship between a rise in temperature and a greater level of pollution
Coal-burning in Siberia led to climate change 250 million years ago

A team of researchers has provided the first ever direct evidence that extensive coal burning in Siberia is a cause of the Permo-Triassic Extinction, the Earth’s most severe extinction event.