Shipping’s dirty secret: how ‘scrubbers’ clean the air – while contaminating the sea – the Guardian

Told to reduce air pollution, the shipping industry could have switched to cleaner fuels – instead, many vessels turned to special devices that simply dump the toxins into the water.
The toxins do not just disappear. Aside from being acidic, scrubbers contain heavy metals that accumulate in marine food chains…
The uninsurables: how storms and rising seas are making coastlines unliveable – the Guardian

With 10% of Canadian homes now uninsurable due to extreme weather, the climate crisis forces people to make hard choices about where they live . . .
NGO retracts ‘waste colonialism’ report blaming Asian countries for plastic pollution – the Guardian

Ocean Conservancy apologises for ‘false narrative’ of 2015 study that put blame for bulk of world’s plastic waste on five Asian states.