Students learn lessons on climate change, pollution through raising salmon – NPR

Get Your Goose On! - Alaska Style Kodiak Refuge Summer and Science Art Camp (by USFWS Mountain-Prarie CC BY 2.0 via Flickr).
Get Your Goose On! - Alaska Style Kodiak Refuge Summer and Science Art Camp (by USFWS Mountain-Prarie CC BY 2.0 via Flickr).

Kenny Lake School in Copper Center, Alaska, is small, with about 60 students from kindergarten to high school seniors. It’s even smaller in winter when some parents homeschool their children because of the long drives and slick roads.

Jennifer Hodges is a third, fourth and fifth grade teacher. She says her three-grade class sits only at desks for 20 minutes a day. They do a lot of practical learning, such as raising Coho salmon from egg to Alevin to fry then releasing them into a lake.

It’s through a program called Salmon in the Classroom, established by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Kate Morse, program director for the Copper River Watershed Project, is in charge of implementing the program in six schools throughout Alaska’s Copper River watershed.

Coho salmon lay eggs in the fall, when many schools start. The eggs remain in the classroom about six months before they are released into lakes. After that, they live for two to four years before they spawn and then die shortly afterwards.

Every day, about a third of Hodges’ students ride the bus 45 minutes from the Native Village of Chitina. Many students already have experience fishing salmon, which is a staple in Native Alaskan communities.

“It’s really a delicate balance because we are dealing with traditions and culture of the Native people,” Hodges says. “This is their land, this is their salmon. And so we have to really be part of that…”


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