The Art of Science: Science and Art are Not as Different as We Think – Kristin LeVier, TEDxUIdaho

Screenshot of Zoe Keller's graphite illustration, LIMUW | Santa Cruz Island, California, shown in TEDxUIdaho talk by Kristin LeVier (via Youtube at 4:23 min)

Can a person be both a scientist and an artist? The answer is a resounding yes.

Discover what breath-taking works can be produced by artists who find inspiration from the intersection of art and science. Kristin LeVier is an artist who creates contemporary organic sculptures inspired by the complex, breathtaking spectacle of the natural world. She’s an MIT-trained former molecular biologist whose mission as an artist is to create innovative sculpture at the intersection of art and science..

Climate Change Enables the Spread of a Dangerous Flesh-Eating Bacteria in US Coastal Waters, Study Says – Inside Climate News

False color scanning electron micrograph of w:en: Vibrio vulnificus bacteria (courtesy of CDC Image Library / James Gathany (PHIL #7815), Public domain, via Wikimedia).

Cases of a potentially fatal infection from a seawater-borne pathogen have increased off the U.S. Atlantic coast as ocean waters warmed over the last 30 years, and are expected to rise further in future because of climate change, according to a study published on Thursday by Scientific Reports, an open-access journal for research on the natural sciences and other topics…