How Terrestrial Turds Lead to Marine Maladies – Hakai Magazine

Diseases from land animals are killing marine mammals at an alarming rate. Can we stem the flow of feces?
The nurdle hunters: is combing UK beaches for tiny bits of plastic a waste of time? – the Guardian

More than 170tn plastic particles are floating in the world’s oceans – and millions of them wash up on our shores…
Six Spongy Sea Creatures Suggest Warming Might Be Worse Than Thought – the New York Times

Research on a long-lived but rarely seen species in the Caribbean is helping scientists piece together a revised history of climate change…
Category 6-level hurricanes are already here, a new study says – Grist Magazine

In the real world, Category 5 is synonymous with the biggest and baddest storms. But some U.S. scientists are making the case that it no longer captures the intensity of recent hurricanes. A paper published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences lays out a framework for extending the current hurricane-rating system…with a new category for storms that have winds topping 192 miles per hour. According to the study, the world has already seen storms that would qualify as Category 6s…