
Pollution Introduction to Pollution More on Pollution . . . Ecosystem Destruction Plastic Pollution Pollution  Plastic gets to the oceans through over 1,000 rivers May 11, 2021 Coastal Care Excerpts: The problem with plastic waste just got more complicated—and so did the effort to stanch its flow into the world’s oceans. Read Full Article, National Geographic (05-11-2021) […]

The widespread footprint of blue jean microfibers

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology Letters have detected indigo denim microfibers not only in wastewater effluent, but also in lakes and remote Arctic marine sediments.

A world drowning in plastic pollution: Breaking the Plastic Wave

More than 1.3 billion tonnes of plastic will be dumped on land and in the oceans over the period from 2016 to 2040 unless the world acts, say a team of 17 global experts who have developed a computer model to track the stocks and flows of plastic around the world.

The many lifetimes of plastics

Infographics strive to give us a sense of how long plastic goods will last in the environment. But is this information reliable?

‘Plastic-free’ fashion is not as clean or green as it seems

To promote different fibre use without fully understanding its environmental ramifications suggests a disingenuous engagement with environmental action. It incites “superficial green” purchasing that exploits a culture of plastic anxiety. The message is clear: buy differently, buy “better”, but don’t stop buying. Yet the “better” and “alternative” fashion products are not without complex social and environmental injustices.