Rising seas threaten the Gullah Geechee culture. Here’s how they’re fighting back – National Geographic
The Gullah Geechee people are among the most climate threatened in the world. By rebuilding oyster reefs and limiting coastal development, they hope to preserve homes and heritage.
This artist gets up to her neck in water to spread awareness of climate change – NPR
Sarah Cameron Sunde, an interdisciplinary artist, was visiting Maine in 2013…The tides struck her as the perfect metaphor for sea level rise…Three days later… she returned… for a “durational performance.” Sunde began standing at the edge of the water at low tide, and, in front of other artists from the retreat she had been attending, she continued to stand until the water rose up to her neck. She stayed until the next low tide, nearly 13 hours total.
North Topsail is getting millions for beach nourishment. How long will the sand last? – Star News Online
Last month North Carolina doled out nearly $20 million in grants to help coastal communities better fortify and rebuild beach infrastructure battered by recent hurricanes, tropical storms, and nor’easters.
But in a world where climate change is bringing higher seas and more frequent and ferocious storms to our shores, is investing taxpayer dollars in the sand that’s all but guaranteed to have a limited lifespan on the beach a smart investment?
Shifting Sands: Carolina’s Outer Banks Face a Precarious Future – Yale Environment 360
Cottages have been tumbling into the ocean for as long as humans have been building along the Outer Banks. The difference now is that they appear to be falling in at a faster rate, and scores of homes are now at risk.
Areas of the Outer Banks have retreated over 200 feet in the last two decades and are currently losing about 13 feet a year…
Sea Turtle Sanctuary Has Survived 40 Years. Climate Change May Kill It – New York Times
“When the turtles saw people, it was like they saw a ghost,” said Mario Pascobello, a resident of Apo Island in the Philippines…Now, the endangered green turtles…peacefully graze in the shallows off Apo’s coast…But if the turtles are no longer menaced by the fishermen here, they do face another man-made threat: climate change.
Shipping’s dirty secret: how ‘scrubbers’ clean the air – while contaminating the sea – the Guardian
Told to reduce air pollution, the shipping industry could have switched to cleaner fuels – instead, many vessels turned to special devices that simply dump the toxins into the water.
The toxins do not just disappear. Aside from being acidic, scrubbers contain heavy metals that accumulate in marine food chains…
The uninsurables: how storms and rising seas are making coastlines unliveable – the Guardian
With 10% of Canadian homes now uninsurable due to extreme weather, the climate crisis forces people to make hard choices about where they live . . .
NGO retracts ‘waste colonialism’ report blaming Asian countries for plastic pollution – the Guardian
Ocean Conservancy apologises for ‘false narrative’ of 2015 study that put blame for bulk of world’s plastic waste on five Asian states.
Playing sea soundscapes can summon thousands of baby oysters, and help regrow oyster reefs – PHYS.ORG
(H)ealthy reefs are surprisingly noisy…a cacophony of sound: crackles and pops from fish as they feed …If this soundscape is present, it tells oyster larvae it’s a healthy habitat… a useful cue if you’re a baby oyster looking for a rock to settle on and begin growing your shell…