Undammed: Amy Bowers Cordalis and the fight to free the Klamath − Patagonia Flims

Sunset On The Klamath River (by Linda Tanner CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 via Flickr).

After witnessing a massive fish kill on her ancestral home waters, Yurok tribal attorney Amy Bowers Cordalis dedicated her life to reversing the generations-long destruction wrought by the Klamath River dams. Undammed follows her journey to free the Klamath, from testifying before Congress to passing down fishing traditions within her young family…

Daniel Coe’s Astonishing River Cartography – Orion

Lena River Veins: Image of the Lena River Delta in Russia, derived from a high-resolution stereo digital elevation model (by Daniel Coe CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 via Flickr).

Cartographer Daniel Coe uses relative elevation data, primarily from plane-mounted lasers called lidar…His stunning river maps reveal stories hidden in historical sediment and past channels carved by the water, as it twists and turns through both landscape and time.