Parley for the Oceans

Parley has been created to accelerate a process of change that is already in progress. No other big movement in the history of humankind has developed faster than the environmental cause.

Pipe Dream – II; By Sean Davey

In celebration of Coastal Care’s 10 Year Anniversary, we are republishing an acclaimed selection of the most popular Photo Of the Month contributions of the decade.

Sand, surf and solitude: best beaches off the beaten track

A Tourism Australia’s coastal ­expert, who releases a list of Australia’s best 101 beaches each year, said people were “turning away” from busy hubs, opting instead to find coves and quiet nature-based destinations close to the water.

To Our Contributors

Our deepest gratitude and thanks to our talented and inspiring Beach Of The Month authors and Photo Of The Month photographers contributors.
—Santa Aguila Foundation – Coastal Care

Light Leak – II; By Ray Collins

In celebration of Coastal Care’s 10 Year Anniversary, we are republishing an acclaimed selection of the most popular Photo Of the Month contributions of the decade.

Survivors’ tales part of the art in Superstorm Sandy exhibit

The stories of people who survived Superstorm Sandy, scrawled in their own handwriting, are an integral part of a new art exhibit remembering the deadly storm and the devastation it caused seven years ago. The “Just Beachy After Sandy” exhibit at Monmouth University in New Jersey is on display through early December.

Paradise Beach, Eastern Cape, Southe Africa

Surfers all over the world know Jeffreys Bay, home to a legendary wave and a major international competition. A bit outside of town, across a causeway, is a quieter coast called Paradise Beach.