How Do We Identify Climate Change? – WWF Wild Classroom

Earth - As seen by Luca Parmitano on the ISS (Underway In Ireland via CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Flickr).

What’s the difference between weather, climate, and climate change? We often hear about the threats posed by climate change and its effects on people and the environment. But before addressing how to tackle it, it’s important to understand the basics: what climate is, how it differs from weather, and how the two are connected. Discover how to identify signs of climate change in your area and start conversations that promote a more resilient future…

“Erosion in Rodanthe: The Fight to Protect the Outer Banks” – the Outer Banks Voice

Collection of debris south of collapsed house site 02-10-2022 (courtesy of Cape Hatteras National Seashore, public domain, via Flickr).

Dare County has released an in-depth and informative video titled, “Erosion in Rodanthe: The Fight to Protect the Outer Banks,” highlighting the serious erosion issues facing the Village of Rodanthe on Hatteras Island, where rapid erosion and significant shoreline loss has led to 11 oceanfront homes collapsing into the Atlantic Ocean since May 2020…