What’s At Stake In Doha Climate Talks

Diplomats from around the world will gather for the United Nations (UN) climate talks next week in Doha, Qatar, where negotiators hope to agree a second phase of the Kyoto Protocol and lay the groundwork for a new global treaty that will take force by 2020..

Making Waste Management a Sport in India

In a country notorious for the inability to deal with the waste it generates, municipal officials in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, situated on the country’s southeastern coast, are now resorting to making waste management a competitive sport, in their bid to cajole the entire nation to clean up.

The Cost Of Doing Nothing

For years, the city and the state of New York commissioned reports about the dangers of rising sea levels combined with a powerful hurricane. And for years, dissuaded by the costs of doing something, New York put in place few new preparations for a massive storm surge.

Study: NJ Beaches 30-40 Feet Narrower After Storm

The average New Jersey beach is 30 to 40 feet narrower after Superstorm Sandy, according to a survey that is sure to intensify a long-running debate on whether federal dollars should be used to replenish stretches of sand that have washed out to sea…

Fragile Western Isles Ecosystem Under Threat

The traditional crofting way of life is under threat in Scotland’s Western Isles because of a fundamental misunderstanding of how Atlantic wave action affects their coastlines, a University of Ulster academic has revealed.

Why A Global Climate Treaty Remains Worth Fighting For

Progress towards an international agreement on tackling climate change has been painfully slow, dogged by fundamental disagreements between the countries involved and exacerbated by the financial crisis. Many of the differences between countries revolve around the concept of historic responsibility…

Greenhouse Gases Hit Record High

Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere hit a new record high in 2011, the World Meteorological Organization reported. Carbon dioxide levels reached 391 parts per million in 2011.