Maine Regulators Pave Way for US Tidal Power

Maine regulators put three utilities on the path to distribute electricity harnessed from tides at the nation’s eastern tip, a key milestone in a bid to turn the natural rise and fall of ocean levels into power.

GPS Could Speed Up Tsunami Alerts

Global positioning systems (GPS) could provide faster tsunami alerts than current warning set-ups, German researchers said at the European Geosciences Union Conference in Vienna, citing data collected in last year’s deadly Japan earthquake.

Oil spilled in Russian Arctic

An oil spill in the Russian Arctic at the Trebs field, affected an area of up to 8,000 square meters after workers tried to open an old well, causing oil to gush uncontrollably for 37 hours, spurting out up to 500 tonnes of oil per day.

Newspaper Editor Charged For Sand Mining

A Grenadian Newspaper editor, who has used his newspaper to expose what he sees as corruption in Grenada, has been arrested and charged for illegally extracting sand from the beaches…

Fishermen Blast Premier Dive Sites off Indonesia

Coral gardens that were among Asia’s most spectacular, teeming with colorful sea life just a few months ago, have been transformed into desolate gray moonscapes by illegal fishermen who use explosives or cyanide to kill or stun their prey.The site is among several to have been hit inside Komodo National Park.