Reuters’ Water’s Edge Report – Part II

Despite laws intended to curb development where rising seas pose the greatest threat, Reuters finds that government is happy to help the nation indulge in its passion for beachfront living.

We Can Save the Caribbean’s Coral Reefs

Parrotfish eat algae and seaweed. These brightly colored fish with beaklike mouths inhabit coral reefs, the wellsprings of ocean life. Without them and other herbivores, algae and seaweed would overgrow the reefs, suppress coral growth and threaten the incredible array of life that depends on these reefs for shelter and food.

Australia Not Prepared For Effects Of Climate Change

More than three-quarters of the population lives near the coast but Australia’s love affair with the beach will come at a future cost. A report on the effects of climate change on Australia’s infrastructure calls coastal flooding the sleeping giant of risk to future prosperity.

A Flood of Energy Projects Clash with Mexican Communities

Since January, villagers and townspeople near the Los Pescados river in southeast Mexico have been blocking the construction of a dam, part of a multi-purpose project to supply potable water to Xalapa, the capital of the state of Veracruz.