Tanzania Takes Major Step Towards Curbing Land Grabs

From January 2013, Tanzania will start restricting the size of land that single large-scale foreign and local investors can “lease” for agricultural use. The decision follows both local and international criticism that major investors are grabbing large chunks of land…

«Out to Sea? The Plastic Garbage Project»

From December 18th, 2012 to March 31st, 2013, the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg will present the exhibition «Out to Sea? The Plastic Garbage Project» produced by the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich.

Fighting to Save Africa’s Richest Rainforest

Protests against a controversial palm oil plantation in the Korup National Park, Africa’s oldest and richest rainforest in terms of floral and faunal diversity, in Mundemba, southwest Cameroon will continue despite the arrests and intimidation of local environmental campaigners.

Tsunami caused long-term ecosystem change in the Caribbean

A detailed analysis of sediments from the island of Bonaire in the Caribbean presents convincing evidence for an extraordinary wave impact dating back some 3,300 years, even though no historical records of tsunamis exist for this island. Of particular interest are the consequences this large wave impact had on the island’s ecosystem.

Mutant Fruit Trees to Grow in Saline Soils in Cuba

During some parts of the year, a layer of salt can be seen on the ground in eastern Cuba, which makes it difficult, and sometimes impossible, to farm. Since agronomist Orlando Coto saw this with his own eyes, he has been searching for salt-tolerant fruit trees.