Pollution for the Sake of Economic Growth

Rapid economic growth will continue to be energy-intensive and highly polluting for the foreseeable future, adding to environmental harm on a global scale and having a tremendous impact on ecological systems, according to a study that looked at a decade’s worth of data from 30 Chinese provinces to build a comprehensive model of pollution.

Antarctic Ice Melting From Warm Water Below

Most glacial ice melting occurs below the sea surface and in regions where ice shelves and icebergs are concentrated, as along the Antarctic coastline. That suggests that future sea levels could rise faster than many scientists have been predicting.

Wind Pushes Plastics Deeper Into Oceans, Driving Trash Estimates Up

After taking samples of water at a depth of 16 feet (5 meters), a researcher at the University of Washington, discovered that wind was pushing plastic particles below the surface. That meant that decades of research into how much plastic litters the ocean, conducted by skimming only the surface, may vastly underestimate the true amount of plastic debris in the oceans.

Oil spilled in Russian Arctic

An oil spill in the Russian Arctic at the Trebs field, affected an area of up to 8,000 square meters after workers tried to open an old well, causing oil to gush uncontrollably for 37 hours, spurting out up to 500 tonnes of oil per day.

Newspaper Editor Charged For Sand Mining

A Grenadian Newspaper editor, who has used his newspaper to expose what he sees as corruption in Grenada, has been arrested and charged for illegally extracting sand from the beaches…