Concerns Over Sand Mining and Beaches Alterations, Chennai Coast, India
With the new Coastal Regulatory Zone (CRZ) 2011 notification, exploiting the coastline of Chennai, East of India, becomes that much more difficult. But loop holes are found everywhere, and concerns mount over sand mining and other alterations of the beaches’ natural state.
A line in the Sand: Rebuilding Stradbroke Island After Sand Mining
A line in the sand, that’s what the Queensland State Government is calling its decision to end sand mining on Stradbroke Island in eight years time. An ABC News video, depicting the dilemmas of a sustainable environment and a sustainable economy.
Illegal Sand-Mining Threatens Sea Turtle Population, St Kitts-Nevis
The biodiversity of St Kitts and Nevis, including the sea turtle population, is under threat due to the increase in illegal sand-mining that is taking place.
Goa’s Beaches Best Kept Secret: Illegal Sand Mining, India
Sand mining is banned in Goa, but even when a NDTV team filmed openly, nobody blinked an eye.The Goa state’s entire 63-mile coastline is eroded, and some beaches have lost as much as 65 feet of landmass in recent years.
No sand mining in fishing areas, India
The State government cancelled all the sand mining leases in in coastal areas and would not be giving out new licences.
Raised Awareness on Illegal Sand Mining, St Kitts
Illegal sand mining across St. Kitts, has become more pronounced with the boom in the construction industry. As a result, several problems have arisen and it became necessary, as a means of deterrence, to educate the general public on the negative effects of the unlawful activity.
Whole coastline of Namibia is designated a national park
Namibia has become what is thought to be the first country to designate its entire coastline a national park. Namibia designates its entire 976-mile coastline a national park, consolidating several existing preserves into the 26.6 million-acre Namib-Skeleton Coast National Park.
Singapore Extends Its Coastlines With Illegally Dredged Sand
Singapore, one of the world’s most prosperous and fastest growing economies, is being accused of expanding its coastline with illegally dredged sand from neighboring states.
First Artificial Island to Be Built In The Americas
Boskalis is sourcing the sand for the land reclamation process from its own borrow area…