London has spent billions, but no one can escape climate change

The stark reality of climate change is that even the cities that seem best defended against rising sea levels face the potential of catastrophic flooding.
This Florida Keys neighborhood has been flooded for nearly 3 months

The flooding here and elsewhere is happening during so-called “king tides.” Those are times, mostly in the fall, when the moon’s gravitational pull means tides are higher than usual.
Waterfront retreat: a Bay community faces rising seas and buyouts

Beset by sea level rise and increasing storm damage, most residents of the Delaware Bay community of Money Island have opted to take buyouts from the state and abandon their homes. An e360 video shows that for those who remain, the decision to stay or leave can be agonizing.
Worst floods for 50 years bring Venice to ‘its knees’

The worst flooding to hit Venice in more than 50 years has brought the historic city to its knees. Local authorities in the Italian lagoon city called for a state of emergency to be imposed.