Washed Away – AARP

A U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Clearwater MH-60 Jayhawk aircrew conducts overflights along the coast of western Florida following Hurricane Ian Oct. 1, 2022 (by Petty Officer Third Class Riley Perkofsk Courtesy of Coast Guard News CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 via Flickr).

As more older Americans move to the coasts, rising seas are wiping out their homes — and retirement dreams…

Where Seas are Rising at Alarming Speed – the Washington Post

Southeastern United States, after winter rains brought sediments from rivers flowing to the East of the Rockies into the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Coast (captured by the VIIRS instrument aboard the NOAA-20 satellite on December 18, 2023, courtesy of NASA/OB.DAAC).

One of the most rapid sea level surges on Earth is besieging the American South, forcing a reckoning for coastal communities across eight U.S. states…At more than a dozen tide gauges spanning from Texas to North Carolina, sea levels are at least 6 inches higher than they were in 2010 — a change similar to what occurred over the previous five decades…