Global warming increases wildfire potential damages in Mediterranean Europe

Anthropogenic warming will increase the burned areas due fires in Mediterranean Europe, and the increase of the burned area could be reduced by limiting global warming to 1.5ºC. The higher the warming level is, the larger the increase of the burned area is.
The US would suffer some of the biggest costs of climate change

Climate change is a classic tragedy of the commons: every country acting in its own self-interest contributes to depleting a joint resource, making the world worse for everyone. The social cost of carbon (or SCC) is a way to put a price tag on the result of that tragedy, quantifying just how much climate change will cost the world over the coming generations.
Paris Conundrum: How to Know How Much Carbon Is Being Emitted?

As climate negotiators consider rules for verifying commitments under the Paris Agreement, they will have to confront a difficult truth: There currently is no reliably accurate way to measure total global emissions or how much CO2 is coming from individual nations.
Climate gentrification: the rich can afford to move – what about the poor?

While wealthy Arizonans flee the desert for cooler climes, ‘climate gentrification’ is also affecting hipster Red Hook, exposed on New York City’s floodplain. In Texas, campaigners want the oil industry to help pay for a coastal barrier to shield six counties from storm surges. And Molly Peterson asks what you can do if you buy a disaster-prone property and nobody warned you: so far, not much.
Dramatic videos capture the moment a massive iceberg breaks away from a glacier

Scientists from New York University captured breathtaking video of a 4-mile-long iceberg breaking off Helheim Glacier in eastern Greenland. While captivating, the researchers see the video as an alarming look at global sea-level rise.
Op-Ed: Connecting Climate Change, Storms

In a recent Op-Ed, environmental engineer Jason West implored the media to make the connection between intensifying storms and climate change. I couldn’t agree more.
Underwater walls could stop glaciers from melting, scientists say

Barriers of sand and rock positioned at the base of glaciers would stop ice sheets sliding and collapsing, and prevent warm water from eroding the ice from beneath, according to new research.
Final Delta 2 rocket launches $1 billion ice probe

A United Launch Alliance’s 155th and final Delta 2 roared to life for the last time Saturday carrying a $1 billion NASA satellite into orbit to measure the thickness and extent of polar ice sheets, changes in sea level and the height of forest canopies and clouds.
Fossil fuel dependence poses ‘direct existential threat’, warns UN chief

United Nations secretary general António Guterres has warned that the world is facing “a direct existential threat” and must rapidly shift from dependence on fossil fuels by 2020 to prevent “runaway climate change”.