At Last, the Shipping Industry Begins Cleaning Up Its Dirty Fuels

By 2020, the global shipping fleet will be required to slash the noxious emissions from thick, sulfur-laden “bunker” fuel, a move that is expected to sharply reduce air pollution and prevent millions of cases of childhood asthma and other respiratory ailments.

June 2018 Ties for Third Warmest June on Record

June 2018 continued the warming trend of the past 40 years. According to the monthly analysis of global temperatures by scientists at NASA’s GISS in New York, the past month surpassed the 1951-1980 June mean by +0.77°C. It tied with June 1998 as the third warmest June in 138 years of modern record-keeping,

Massive iceberg breaks off from Greenland glacier

An iceberg four miles wide has broken off from a glacier in eastern Greenland and scientists have captured the dramatic event on video. New York University professor David Holland, an expert in atmospheric and ocean science, said “this is the largest event we’ve seen in over a decade in Greenland…”

The surprisingly lethal price of air-conditioning

As global temperatures rise year after year, we’ll probably be relying on AC more and more, but that, say scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is killing us, too. It may be more subtle than a heat wave, but the toll air-conditioning takes could have a much deeper, long-term impact.

Global warming may be twice what climate models predict

Future global warming may eventually be twice as warm as projected by climate models under business-as-usual scenarios and even if the world meets the 2°C target sea levels may rise six meters or more, according to an international team of researchers from 17 countries.

How Eating Seaweed Can Help Cows to Belch Less Methane

Emissions from the nearly 1.5 billion cattle on earth are a major source of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. Now, researchers in California and elsewhere are experimenting with seaweed as a dietary additive. Farmers in ancient Greece and 18th-century Iceland deliberately grazed their cows on beaches.