Mysterious lives of narwhals

Arctic marine mammals are really good indicators of climate change because they are very specialized. They are finely attuned to specific environmental conditions, thus are good indicator species for how the physical changes many scientists are documenting in the Arctic can reverberate throughout the ecosystem.

New Trump Administration Flood Standards Mirror Obama-Era Rules

Six months after President Trump revoked an Obama-era rule mandating that federally funded projects account for future sea level rise and flooding, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced that recipients of $7.4 billion in disaster recovery grants must do just that — seemingly representing a reversal of the administration’s stance on climate preparedness.

Create “Sponge Cities” to Tackle Worsening Floods

With floods now causing more damage more frequently around the world, it is time to counter their effects by turning our towns into “Sponge Cities”, a recent trend popularised by China to absorb rainwater through permeable roads and pavements, parks, rooftop gardens and other green spaces.