Scientists Question Rush to Build Nicaragua Canal
A consortium of environmental scientists has expressed strong concern about the impact of a controversial Central American canal across Nicaragua, to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
France Enacts the Principle of Ecological Prejudice
French Justice Minister Christiane Taubira, will be presenting before this summer, a bill proposing to include the notion of ecological prejudice in the Civil Code, and to make reparation a legal obligation.
Shellfish Face High Risk From Ocean Acidification, New Study Finds
As oceans become more acidic, the US shellfish business is facing high economic risk in 15 out of 23 coastal states; Massachusetts tops the list of states facing the highest risk, the study concluded.
Humans Altering Adriatic Ecosystems More Than Nature
The ecosystems of the Adriatic Sea have weathered natural climate shifts for 125,000 years, but humans could be rapidly altering this historically stable biodiversity hot spot, a University of Florida study says.
After Nine Years of Foot-Dragging, U.N. Ready for Talks on High Seas Treaty
After intense negotiations, the United Nations has agreed to convene an intergovernmental conference aimed at drafting a legally binding treaty to conserve marine life and govern the mostly lawless high seas beyond national jurisdiction.
Magnificent Blue Glow of Hong Kong Seas also Disturbing
Eerie fluorescent blue patches of water glimmering off Hong Kong’s seashore are magnificent, disturbing and potentially toxic, marine biologists say.
A “Rosetta Stone” for Conducting Biodiversity Assessments
This month saw an important milestone reached by the U.N.’s young Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES): Publication of its first public product.
Melting Glaciers Increase the Flow of Carbon to Downstream Ecosystems
Melting glaciers are not just impacting sea level, they are also affecting the flow of organic carbon to the world’s oceans, according to new research that provides the first ever global-scale estimates for the storage and release of organic carbon from glaciers.
Ocean Life Faces Mass Extinction, Broad Study Says
A team of scientists, in a groundbreaking analysis of data from hundreds of sources, has concluded that humans are on the verge of causing unprecedented damage to the oceans and the animals living in them.