If Hurricane Rebuilding Is Affordable Only for the Wealthy, This Is the Florida You Get | Opinion – the New York Times

When Hurricane Ian…made landfall nearly a year ago, a storm surge as high as 15 feet left the town of Fort Myers Beach nearly submerged for several hours.Today…the island reveals countless properties recently cleared of debris selling for millions and even tens of millions of dollars…
The Very Hungry Urchins – Hakai Magazine

Researchers are restoring the Caribbean’s surprising, spiky custodians, which gobble up the algae smothering coral reefs…
Corals are bleaching in every corner of the ocean, threatening its web of life – the Washington Post

First around Fiji, then the Florida Keys, then Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, and now in the Indian Ocean. In the past year, anomalous ocean temperatures have left a trail of devastation for the world’s corals, bleaching entire reefs and threatening widespread coral mortality — and now, scientists with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and International Coral Reef Initiative say the world is experiencing its fourth global bleaching event, the second in the last decade…
NOAA and partners race to rescue remaining Florida corals from historic ocean heat wave – NOAA Climate.gov

In mid-July 2023, heat-stressed corals in the southern Florida Keys began bleaching—expelling their food-producing algal partners—amid the hottest water temperatures ever documented in the region during the satellite record (dating back to 1985). As weeks of heat stress have continued to accumulate, bleaching and death have become more widespread, raising fears of a mass mortality event on the region’s already fragile reefs…