No, 11,200 Climate Refugees Aren’t Heading to Australia – the New York Times

Low-lying Tuvalu has reached a deal with its large Pacific neighbor to address the challenge of rising oceans, but it is not planning to pack up and go…
Lessons from California on How to Adapt to Sea Level Rise – NPR | On Point with Meghna Chakrabarti

The Pacific Ocean off the California coast could rise more than six feet by the end of this century, according to some estimates…
Guests: Rosanna Xia, environmental reporter for the LA Times. Author of “California Against the Sea: Visions for our Vanishing Coastline.”
A.R. Siders, director of the Climate Change Hub and professor on climate change adaptation at the University of Delaware.
At risk from rising seas, Norfolk, Virginia, plans massive, controversial floodwall – NPR

The city (of Norfolk) is now moving forward with a massive floodwall project to protect itself, in partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The project will include tide gates, levees, pump stations and nature-based features like oyster reefs and vegetation along the shoreline. It’s one of the biggest infrastructure efforts in city history – and an example of projects the Corps has proposed up and down the U.S. coastline, from New York to Texas….
A sea change on managed retreat? – CommonWealth Journal

As waters rise, coastal residents are increasingly facing a difficult choice: try to relocate in a difficult housing market and take losses on their homes, or get comfortable with a future where there may be multiple feet of water in their living rooms…