Is there a wrong way to talk about climate change? – Grist Magazine

In a provocative new book, Genevieve Guenther argues that too many conversations are happening on the fossil fuel industry’s terms….
How the recycling symbol lost its meaning – Grist Magazine

Of the 147 companies with a package recyclability goal, only 15 percent were on track to meet it…
Category 6-level hurricanes are already here, a new study says – Grist Magazine

In the real world, Category 5 is synonymous with the biggest and baddest storms. But some U.S. scientists are making the case that it no longer captures the intensity of recent hurricanes. A paper published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences lays out a framework for extending the current hurricane-rating system…with a new category for storms that have winds topping 192 miles per hour. According to the study, the world has already seen storms that would qualify as Category 6s…
‘The Deluge’ is a climate nightmare — and it’s based on reality – Grist

Excerpt: Stephen Markley explains how he wrote a dystopia that feels a little too real.
It was the year 2028, and I was hiding with eco-terrorists in a cabin deep in the woods…Birds were dropping dead from the sky, and a dust storm raged around us, turning the sun crimson…I was relieved to wake up from this dream and shake my paranoia that the FBI was after me. That’s how immersive The Deluge is, an ambitious new novel by Stephen Markley…