Shapeshifters: Octopus Superpowers (Full Episode) | Secrets of the Octopus – National Geographic

Whether transforming their body shape and color to disappear or mimicking their deadliest enemy. Octopus use shapeshifting superpowers to survive…
Who owns our trash—and why does it matter? – National Geographic

Who owns our trash? It’s a heated question being asked by waste pickers around the world who are uniting to fight for their survival. What we throw away, they insist, should be available to all.
Globally, up to 56 million people collect and resell the metal, glass, cardboard, and plastic that the rest of us toss…
10 years later, see how Superstorm Sandy changed the Northeast – National Geographic

“When Sandy hit, New York City had zero coastal protections,” says Daniel Zarrilli, special advisor for climate and sustainability at Columbia University…”I credit Sandy as that pivotal moment that not only launched billions of dollars of resilience investments across the city…It also provided the spark for a whole range of other climate policies…”
Explore the shoreline with an underwater viewer – National Geographic

Show kids the importance of the shoreline, which provides an active habitat for wildlife and provides stability to the water’s edge. Help them make an underwater viewer to explore this important microhabitat…
KIDS VS. PLASTIC Plastic Pollution What’s the problem? – National Geographic

A sea turtle swims through the water and spots a white blob floating near the surface. “Yum!” it thinks. “A jellyfish!” Chasing after its dinner, the turtle swallows the item. But the floating blob isn’t a jelly—it’s a plastic bag that could make the sea turtle sick…
‘Plastics Detective’ Imogen Napper traces pollution to the source – National Geographic

As a marine scientist and researcher and National Geographic Explorer, Imogen Napper thinks a lot about plastic….(She) has spent years sweeping the world for traces of plastic where it doesn’t belong, and finding creative solutions to the problem of plastic pollution…