How Much Will These Storms Help Relieve California’s Drought? – the New York Times

All the rain and snow are undoubtedly good news for California’s water supply, but they’re unlikely to end the drought altogether.
If you’re looking for a silver lining to the punishing storms sweeping California, look no further than the state’s snowpack.
As of Tuesday, California’s mountain snow held more than twice the water content that’s considered average for this time of year…
Sea Turtle Sanctuary Has Survived 40 Years. Climate Change May Kill It – New York Times

“When the turtles saw people, it was like they saw a ghost,” said Mario Pascobello, a resident of Apo Island in the Philippines…Now, the endangered green turtles…peacefully graze in the shallows off Apo’s coast…But if the turtles are no longer menaced by the fishermen here, they do face another man-made threat: climate change.
A Fossil Museum Uses the Past to Reimagine Climate’s Future – The New York Times

As the La Brea Tar Pits & Museum undergoes a major redesign, its leaders hope it can do more to engage the public and educate visitors about the realities of climate change.
“How we present this information in a way it can help communities is a challenge,” she said. “If you go too far in the hope direction, it goes against the science. But we need to bring people in.” – Dr. Lori Bettison-Varga
To Save America’s Coasts, Don’t Always Rebuild Them – New York Times

Federal and state taxpayers have spent billions of dollars over the past four decades pumping up beaches in front of coastal properties in what are known as beach nourishment projects. In Florida alone, almost $3 billion in public funds has been spent just to keep beaches in front of investment homes and oceanfront infrastructure…