Interactive | Growing Up In Climate Chaos – the New York Times

When you’re a teenager, everything can feel like a crisis. But for these teenagers living in areas around the world affected by climate change, the sense of growing crisis is real — not in some hazy future but today, disrupting their adolescence in ways both large and small….
Tromelin Island’s Impressive Comeback – Hakai Magazine

One small island in the Indian Ocean shows how quickly seabird populations can recover after people eradicate invasive predators…
Weaving the Harbor Back to Life – Hakai Magazine

How Māori knowledge is helping to revive the mussel population in New Zealand’s Ōhiwa Harbour…
In the wake of historic storms, Māori leaders call for disaster relief and rights – Grist Magazine

In the wake of historic storms, the Māori say New Zealand must center Indigenous peoples in climate disaster plans…“Because climate events have gotten more and more intense, it’s at a point of our communities will either get wiped out through more storms or have to choose to leave their homelands,” Renee Raroa, a Ngati Porou Māori representative from Mana Taiao Tairāwhiti in eastern New Zealand, said. “We’re running out of options…”
Even at the Bottom of the World, the Ocean is Belching Plastic – EOS Magazine

In a recent study published in Environmental Science and Technology, researchers report a mist of microplastics is constantly drifting across the country’s largest city.
“We don’t produce large amounts of plastics here in New Zealand,” said Joel Rindelaub, a research fellow at the University of Auckland in New Zealand who led the study. “But we did see large amounts of plastics falling out of the sky in Auckland…”