Mackenzie Meets Beaufort
The Mackenzie River is the leading source of freshwater flowing into the Arctic Ocean. It’s also a leading source of sediment flowing into that basin.
Most beautiful black sand beaches in the World
You can find beaches in almost every color of the rainbow, from pristine white sands to chic pink shores. But there’s something particularly breathtaking about black sand beaches.
Jars of sand from the beach among the most common items flagged, Florida
Travelers check an average of 2 million bags a year while flying out of Southwest Florida International Airport. TSA agents have seen it all; but said the most common item to be flagged in SWFL is the jar of sand you saved from the beach…
Irish beach washed away 33 years ago reappears overnight after freak tide
An Irish beach that disappeared more than 30 years ago has returned to an island off the County Mayo coast.
Miniature organisms in the sand play big role in our ocean
Small organisms called meiofauna that live in the sediment provide essential services to human life such as food production and nutrient cycling, a researcher explains in a new report.
Images reveal the stunning pink beaches around the world
There are a few destinations around the world where the beaches actually have a subtle shade of pink. The phenomenon is not caused by pollution or a trick of the light but rather, a micro-organism known as foraminifera.
Southern Perspective: The value of our beach sand
The sand on the Emerald Coast is known worldwide for being the kind of white which is reflective and blinding under the blazing summer sun. That’s because it’s not even one percent shy of being pure quartz, which is incredibly rare in the world of sand. Our beaches are made of tiny jewels, each grain precious and rare, no matter how much they may look alike.
What It’s Like to Be a Professional Sand Sculptor
Despite the careful artistry and heavy manual labor, being a professional sand sculptor really is fun. “It’s living the dream.” “I’m making sandcastles for a living. Who the hell does that?”
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
Explaining the formation of the dunes and the two islands.