Where Are the Finest White-Sand Beaches in the World?

Yann Arthus Bertrand

Relaxing on a beautiful, solitary slice of white sand is what many travelers dream about for their vacations and when the sand is so soft and sifting between your toes, it makes a shoreline even more enjoyable. Here are some of the best white-sand beaches in the world.

What’s up with the black sand at Ocean Beach, San Francisco?

Many locals have a same reaction when large swirling patches of black sand cover Ocean Beach: they call the city reporting an apparent oil spill. But in fact, the sand is anything but dirty and is made up of a really cool iron ore derivative called magnetite.

Sand Waves: Juggernauts of the Outer Banks

These so called sand waves, named such because they were like a tidal wave of sand barreling down upon the islands, have the destructive force of a glacier – unstoppable, consuming all. Anything and everything in the path of these dunes will succumb to its slow march across the landscape…

Staying Safe in Sandy Beaches

Beach sand contains all kinds of microorganisms, including those that can harm human health. Now, an international panel of scientists is recommending monitoring the sand at recreational beaches, to minimize health risks for beachgoers.

Adele Island

An astronaut aboard the International Space Station took this photograph of Adele Island, off of Australia’s north coast. Adele Island has been classified as an important bird area because it is a breeding site of world importance for lesser frigatebirds and three other species.