Antarctic ice sheets could be at greater risk of melting than previously thought

Antarctica. Photo courtesy of © Denis Delestrac for Coastal Care’s Photo of the Month, July and August 2018. Excerpts; Antarctica is the largest reservoir of ice on Earth — but new research by the University of South Australia suggests it could be at greater risk of melting than previously thought… Read Full Article; Science Daily […]

Waterfront retreat: a Bay community faces rising seas and buyouts

Beset by sea level rise and increasing storm damage, most residents of the Delaware Bay community of Money Island have opted to take buyouts from the state and abandon their homes. An e360 video shows that for those who remain, the decision to stay or leave can be agonizing.

Venice is sinking and this time it may go under

From its founding in the Early Middle Ages, Venice has had a fraught relationship with the sea, protected from the mainland by the waters of the lagoon, yet always threatened by changing environmental conditions. Venetians have always recognized that human choices would shape their relationship with the natural world.