Waterworld: Cities of the future?

Photo source: ©© Birgit Speulman


For years, scientists have warned about the danger of rising sea levels, and thanks to an artist’s projections, we can see now what the impacts might look like in real life…

View Slideshow and Read Full Article,Yahoo news

Is This Our Future? Greenpeace (08-2012)
Try and imagine what it would be like to wake up one day, look outside the window and discover that your home has disappeared…

Too Big to Flood? Megacities Face Future of Major Storm Risk, Yale e 360
As economic activity and populations continue to expand in coastal urban areas, particularly in Asia, hundreds of trillions of dollars of infrastructure, industrial and office buildings, and homes are increasingly at risk from intensifying storms and rising sea levels.

New York City and Risk of Higher Seas, The WSJ
Sea level may rise faster near New York than at most other densely populated ports, thus it has become an urban experiment in the ways that seaboard cities can adapt to climate change over the next century.

All Nations Will Suffer Effects of Climate Change, Warns World Bank, Guardian UK
All nations will suffer the effects of a world 4C hotter, but it is the world’s poorest countries that will be hit hardest by food shortages, rising sea levels, cyclones and drought…

Floating Cities: Strategies of Adaptation And Long-Lasting Anticipation ?
Climate change is redefining the rules by which we live and at a pace we never expected. Because of rising sea level, several areas of the globe are in danger of vanishing from the map, disappearing under water. Society must adapt and maybe, one day, live in floating houses. Emerging designs and technologies promote the concept of living with natural flooding instead of resisting it …

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