Sea temperature and the lunar cycle predict the arrival of jellyfish in Israel

Tel-Aviv, Israel. Photo source: ©© Shlomi Kramer


When should we most beware of Jellyfishes? Large swarms of these jellyfish reach the coast when the sea temperature ranges between 28.2 and 30 degrees Celsius and during the full moon, according to a new study from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management at the University of Haifa.

The study reveals, for the first time, the link between sea temperature and the lunar cycle and the arrival of swarms of Jellyfish s along the coast of Israel…

Although Jellyfishes have become frequent guests along the shores of Israel, as well as elsewhere throughout the world, and despite their obvious and immediate impact on humans — because swarms of Jellyfish can cause an abandoning of public beaches until they disappear — until now researchers didn’t know for sure what factors cause the massive arrival of swarms of Jellyfishes one summer while during another summer the quantity can be far less…

Read Full Article, Science Daily (08-25-2016)

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