BP Oily waste dumped in landfills



The Coast Guard and the Environmental Protection Agency shored up their oversight of BP’s work to clean up the oil-soaked Gulf Coast on Thursday, setting new standards for how the company and its contractors should test and track the garbage generated by the ongoing spill.

BP PLC has hired private contractors to haul away thousands of tons of polluted sand, crude-coated boom and other refuse washing ashore from the worst offshore spill in U.S. history.

So far the disaster has generated more than 3,913 tons of solid waste, which is being hauled to landfills in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida…

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Is oil spill waste being mishandled? AP
A leaky truck filled with oil-stained sand and absorbent boom soaked in crude pulls away from the beach, leaving tar balls in a public parking lot and a messy trail of sand and water on the main beach road. A few miles away, brown liquid drips out of a disposal bin filled with polluted sand…

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BP Dumping Oil Waste in Mississippi Landfill Despite Objections of County Leaders.

BP crews scoop up the oil off Gulf beaches, the waste is transported to Mississippi’s Pecan Grove landfill

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