Weird Mini Tsunami Hits England’s Coast



A mild tsunami swept the coast of southern England this week, sending people running for higher ground, British media reported.

Scientists have long warned that underwater landslides pose significant tsunami risk, including in the Los Angeles area. Megatsunamis caused by landslides are thought to occur every 100,000 years or so. A volcanic landslide is thought to have generated an unbelievably monstrous 1,600-foot tsunamiin Hawaii 110,000 years ago….

Read Full Article, By OurAmazingPlanet

Tsunamis in the UK, Wikipedia
Tsunami waves are so rare in the United Kingdom that there have only been two confirmed tsunamis in recorded history. Geologists have described potential future tsunami threats to Britain from two different causes. In the 1990s, they realised that the Cumbre Vieja volcano in La Palma, in North Africa in the Canary Islands could pose a tsunami risk to Britain, as it is seemingly unstable. They concluded that a future volcanic eruption will result in the mass of rock alongside the volcanoes breaking off and falling into the sea as a massive landslide.

Tsunami Swamped England 400 Years Ago, Study Says, National Geographic

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