Glaciers In Retreat

Mont Blanc, Alpes. Photograph: © SAF


Glaciers in the French Alps have lost a quarter of their area in the past 40 years, according to new research….

Read Full Article, BBC

Rapid retreat of Chile glacier captured in images, AFP
Researchers in Chile released a series of time-lapse photos today showing the dramatic retreat of a glacier in Patagonia. Patagonia has experienced climate changes at levels much more moderate than those observed in the rest of the world, however, almost all the glaciers of the region have lost area, and Jorge Montt glacier is the one that has the record retreat.”

As Glaciers Melt, Bhutan Faces Risks Of Mountain Tsunamis
Climate change is causing many Himalayan glaciers to melt in increasingly unstable ways, and there are concerns about the long term viability of the ice in a warmer world. Water flows from these melting glaciers until it breaks the natural ice dams that hold it in place. That, in turn, can result in devastating floods like the one that occurred in 1994, when a torrent of mud killed dozens of people in Bhutan and wiped out entire villages…

La fonte des glaciers de l’Himalaya
D’après ce nouveau film de 45 minutes, coproduit par le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) et Arrowhead Films, plus de 50 000 glaciers fondent rapidement dans la région montagneuse de l’Himalaya, menaçant les vies et les moyens de subsistance de milliards de personnes à travers l’Asie.

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