Natural Climate Change Shut Down Pacific Reefs: Study

Photo courtesy of: © Andrew Jalbert


A period of intense, natural changes in climate caused coral reefs in the eastern Pacific to shut down thousands of years ago, and human-induced pollution could worsen the trend in the future, scientists said…

Read Full Article, AFP

COS Climate Change and Coral Reefs Working Group, Standford University
In 2011, with support from the Okeanos Foundation, the Center for Ocean Solutions formed a working group to address the future of coral reefs in the face of increased ocean temperatures, acidification and sea level rise associated with climate change. In particular, this group of highly-qualified scientists came together to identify what is known about coral adaptation, biogeochemistry and calcification, and population dynamics in the face of multiple co-occurring stressors.They produced a consensus statement outlining the precarious state of coral reefs and the actions necessary, both locally and globally, to stem the worldwide decline of these valuable ecosystems. The product of the working group: a scientific consensus statement on the future of coral reefs in the face of climate change Executive Summary.

Join over 2,000 scientists from around the world in endorsing a Consensus Statement urging governments to take action for the preservation of coral reefs for the benefit of present and future generations. Please feel free to distribute this web link to your colleagues.To build a large base of support in preparation for the public launch of the statement (during the opening ceremony of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, on July 9th, in Cairns, Australia), please click HERE to join other scientists from around the world by adding your name to the list of endorsees.

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