Pakistan’s Coast And Encroaching Seas

Encroaching seas are leaving farmland increasingly saline and water-logged, and leading to a decline in fresh water fish stocks. These trends are being studied by the World Wide Fund for Nature Pakistan (WWF-P) which is in the middle of a five-year project to build climate change resistance on Pakistan’s coastline, where communities are vulnerable to cyclones, rising sea levels and storm surges.
Anthropocene Period Would Recognize Humanity’s Impact on Earth

The Anthropocene is the name of a proposed new geological time period that may soon enter the official Geologic Time Scale. The Anthropocene is defined by the human influence on Earth, where we have become a geological force shaping the global landscape and evolution of our planet.
Why Most People Don’t Learn from Natural Disasters

As the population grows, becomes more urbanized and builds infrastructure in hazardous areas like the coast, natural hazards combined with a lack of preparation pose an increasing threat. A panel of experts, recently speaking at a science policy conference of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), called for greater resilience in facing such hazards.