More Bad Weather Forecast As Western Europe Coastlines Assess Storm Damage

North of France. Photo source: ©© JB55


Forecasters are predicting that more stormy weather is brewing in the Atlantic and heading for western Europe’s storm battered shores.

Read Full Article, Euronews

Storm with 100 mph gusts hits soggy Britain, Washington Post
Britain’s weather service says it sees the tentacles of climate change in a spate of storms and floods battering the country, but has stopped short of saying warming directly caused the extreme storms.The latest round of bad weather hit Britain’s west coast Wednesday with winds gusting at more than 100 miles (160 kilometers) an hour.

Atlantic storms hitting the UK and western Europe – satellite animation, Guardian UK

Dix mètres de côtes englouties par les tempêtes, Le Figaro
The French western shoreline has been eroded by 10 meters due to the successive and unusually powerfull Atlantic storms battering the coast.

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