Future-Proof UK Coastal Areas Against Rising Sea Levels

A clear national strategy is “urgently needed” to help future-proof coastal areas from rising sea levels and extreme weather, according to a report published by the National Trust, UK’s biggest coastal owners.
The World Must Invest In Mangroves

Mark Spalding, Senior Marine Scientist at The Nature Conservancy, reports that mangrove don’t just protect coastlines from storms, flooding and erosion, they also sequester huge tonnages of carbon. And that makes them a smart investment.
Years Of Living Dangerously

Hollywood celebrities and respected journalists span the globe to explore the issues of climate change and cover intimate stories of human triumph and tragedy. The show premiers Sunday April 13th at 10pm on SHOWTIME.
Along Jersey Shore, Towns Build Sandcastle Dunes

The hills of sand are supposed to act as fortresses that protect Jersey Shore communities from the ravages of the sea. But unless the sand can be stabilized by vegetation, one municipal engineer said, “They disappear like children’s sand castles at the end of the day.”