Great Lakes Teeming With Tiny Plastic Fibers

“The unprecedented plastic waste tide plaguing our oceans and shores, can become as limited as our chosen relationship with plastics, which involves a dramatic behavioral change on our part…”
Captions and Photo: © SAF — Coastal Care


Scientists who have reported that the Great Lakes are awash in tiny bits of plastic are raising new alarms about a little-noticed form of the debris turning up in sampling nets: synthetic fibers from garments, cleaning cloths and other consumer products…

Read Full Article, ABC News

Polluting Plastic Particles Invade the Great Lakes, Science Daily (04-11-2013)
Floating plastic debris, which helps populate the infamous “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” in the Pacific Ocean, has become a problem in the Great Lakes, the largest body of fresh water in the world…

Plastic Waste Threatens Lakes As Well As Oceans, BBC News (10-07-2013)
Pollution with plastic waste is not confined to the oceans but poses a growing threat to lakes as well…

Tiny Plastic Beads Are Invading The Great Lakes. Here’s What Scientists Are Doing To Stop It, (11-03-2013)
Several months ago, scientists warned that tiny microbeads, a common ingredient in facial cleansers, were flowing into the Great Lakes. Now, a new study provides evidence of the microplastics in the world’s largest surface freshwater source, and gives scientists a fighting chance to get microbeads out of consumer products…

Sydney Harbour’s Plastic Pollution At Alarming Levels, Scientists Find, Guardian UK (08-30-2014)
Researchers have found alarming level of plastic pollution in Sydney harbour, with fibres from clothing and toiletries causing a widespread impact upon the marine ecosystem…

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