More proof: Study Sees Climate Change in Action in the Air, Watching CO2 Trap Heat

Scientists have witnessed carbon dioxide trapping heat in the atmosphere above the United States, chronicling human-made climate change in action, live in the wild.
Fukushima Operator Finds New Source of Radiation Leak into Sea

The operator of the tsunami-crippled Fukushima found a pool of highly contaminated water on the roof of a plant building and that it had probably leaked into the sea through a gutter when it rained.
Mysterious East Coast Flooding Caused by Weird Wind Patterns

Mysterious flooding and high tides along the East Coast in 2009 and 2010 now have an explanation: a major change in the Atlantic Ocean’s wind patterns and warm-water currents.
Largest Dam Removal in U.S. History Scientifically Characterized: A USGS Lecture on Largest U.S. Dam Removal

Scientists worked together to characterize the effects of the largest dam removal project in U.S. history occurring on the Elwha River of Washington State. New findings suggest that dam removal can change landscape features of river and coasts, which have ecological implications downstream of former dam sites.
Rare Double Cyclones Sock Australia—Where Else Has This Happened?

Although a first for the country, double cyclones or hurricanes are not unheard of in other parts of the world. Scientists predict that climate change will reduce the overall number of tropical cyclones, but the most severe storms, category 3 or higher on the Saffir-Simpson scale, will become more common.