India’s ‘New Cities’ Plan: Environment Not Included

Sand – inexpensive and abundant – is a treasure to India’s builders and the construction industry, which employs some 40 million people. But the spike in construction means sand mining, both legal and illegal, will increase in coastal areas, riverbeds, creeks, and rivulets.
This Is What Humanity’s Impact On The Planet Looks Like

A new photo book from conservation experts aims to shine a light on humanity’s impact on the planet and convince people to think about their contribution.
Shipping Superhighways

The oceans may be vast, yet they still can grow crowded. Some congested areas have enough ship traffic that the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and other groups maintain traffic separation schemes—the equivalent of highways for ships—to reduce the risk of collisions.
Sand Mining Threatens South Africa’s Coast

The time has come for the government to consider a total ban on any sand mining in South African rivers to curb serious environmental damage and the growing risk of severe erosion damage to coastal cities like Durban.