Ciguatera fish poisoning predicted to increase with rising ocean temperatures

A new NOAA study forecasts an increase in ciguatera fish poisoning in the Gulf of Mexico and the U.S. Southeast Atlantic coast with predicted rising global ocean temperatures due to climate change.
World’s Cities Join Growing Push to Divest From Fossil Fuels

An increasing number of cities across the globe, including Norway’s capital Oslo, are pledging to divest from fossil fuels. Some are going even further by cutting their use of oil, coal, or natural gas.
Chennai floods are not a natural disaster, Tamil Nadu, India

As a city on the high-energy coast facing the Bay of Bengal, Chennai is no stranger to heavy rains and cyclonic storms. But with every invitation to “Make in Chennai”, the city is unmaking itself and eroding its resilience to perfectly normal monsoon weather events. The infrastructure of big commerce has replaced the infrastructure to withstand natural shocks.
Sea grass a potential solution in climate fight

While mangrove and salt bushes can play key roles in protecting fragile coastlines from wave damage and promote biodiversity, it’s the humble sea grass that provides the largest potential to store more carbon from the atmosphere.
Even the tiniest plastics found in the sea with new technology

Studies have estimated that each year between 4 and 12 million tonnes of plastics end up in the sea, and that the figure is expected to double over the next ten years. But we have only begun to learn what happens with the plastics afterwards. Scientists have now developed a method that can measure the microplastics that other methods overlook.