“L’Ermitage beach, St-Gilles-Les-Bains, Reunion island, July 2015. This most popular beach had been closed off, while local authorities were walking up and down the shore urging the few tourists -daring enough to enter the water- to get immediately out, as bull sharks had been spotted in this lagoon previously believed to be protected from sharks by the reef.” Captions and Photograph: © SAF – Coastal Care.
“The French territory, 140 miles from Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, has had 20 attacks and seven fatalities since 2011, when “la crise” began. It means that in the past five years, 13 per cent of all the world’s fatal shark attacks have taken place around this tiny, 40-mile-long isle…”
Surfer Jeremy Flores returns to his homeland on a family mission to protect the beaches that have given him so much.
“If you were to stand on the shoreline of Reunion Island’s west coast beaches today, it would be hard to imagine the crowded beaches completely empty, however this was a reality only a few short months ago. 18 shark attacks over a five year period dramatically affected the Indian Ocean paradise both emotionally and economically…
Having spent the last 17 years travelling the world, they were able to bring a global perspective to the issue. Through contacts in South Africa they came up with a blueprint for a cutting-edge shark net that would let most sea life through but keep the bull sharks out…”
WATCH: RADICAL TIMES, La Reunion; a Quicksilver Video (10:32)
Read Full Article And Watch Video, Quicksilver
Radical Times in Reunion Island, Quicksilver, Published on Youtube, April 6th, 2016
Reunion’s ‘shark crisis,’ Telegraph UK (08-08-2015)
The French territory, 140 miles from Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, has had 20 attacks and seven fatalities since 2011, when “la crise” began. It means that in the past five years, 13 per cent of all the world’s fatal shark attacks have taken place around this tiny, 40-mile-long isle…
La pose de filet anti-requins rassure les surfeurs de la Réunion, France Info (12-23-2015)
Un filet anti-requins de 626 m a été installé aux larges des côtes de Boucan Canot, soit 84.000 mètres carrés d’espace aquatique de protégé…
Filets anti-requins : la sécurisation des spots se poursuit à La Réunion, (02-06-2016)
Après Boucan Canot en décembre dernier, un deuxième filet anti-requins protège désormais la plage des Roches Noires…
Sérénité retrouvée à la Réunion avec les Filets anti requins, (03-01-2016)
La Réunion Island Bans Surfing And Plans Shark Kill, Surfer Mag (07-31-2013)
Réunion Island Revokes Order to Hunt Sharks, Yet Controversy Arises (Uploaded 08-05-2012)
How Should We Respond When Humans and Sharks Collide? National Geographic