Sand and deliver – Sardinians indignant over tourists stealing sand from beaches as souvenirs

Sardinia. Photograph: © SAF — Coastal Care


An increasing number of visitors are scooping the sand into plastic bottles or bags and trying to take it home as a reminder of their holidays.

Some are stopped at the island’s airports by vigilant officials, who confiscate the keepsakes and warn tourists that taking sand, shells and any other natural materials from the island is an offense…

Airport officials confiscated five tonnes last summer alone…

Read Full Article, The Telegraph (07-17-2016)

Stop stealing sand from our beaches, say Sardinians; AOL (07-18-2016)
Airport officials confiscated five tonnes last summer alone…

Sardinia: The Island of a Thousand Beautiful Beaches; Huffington Green (07-24-2014)
The answer to the question what the most beautiful beaches of Sardinia are, will be a very long one. Sardinia is often referred to as the Island of a Thousand Beautiful Beaches for a reason…

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