Jerry Brown signs new laws to block Trump’s California offshore oil drilling plans

In a move aimed at stopping Trump’s plans to expand offshore oil drilling along the California coast, Gov. Jerry Brown on Saturday signed two laws that prohibit construction of new pipelines that could bring the oil and gas to shore.
Pipeline company found guilty in California’s worst coastal oil spill in 25 years

A pipeline company was convicted of nine criminal charges Friday for causing the worst California coastal spill in 25 years, a disaster that blackened popular beaches for miles, killed wildlife and hurt tourism and fishing.
Summer Ship Tracks in the Pacific

The large number of ships traversing the North Pacific, combined with all of the low clouds, make ship tracks more common here than anywhere else in the world. Roughly two-thirds of the world’s ship tracks are found in the Pacific.
Rise for Climate: Protesters take to streets across the planet to demand action on environment

Hundreds of thousands of climate change protestors are gathering at some 850 events across 90 countries – and seven continents – in what is one of the biggest ever days of global action highlighting the issue.